Congratulations Alan “Alanmut” Santos of Brazil, winner of the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Online Fifth Edition Raffle! He was picked at random among all that played the game online (tournament, league or casual) during March-June this year, registered at VTES-hook.com. We will send a copy of the upcoming Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition five-deck box set as soon as its ready!
We asked Alan for the decklist of one of his most played decks, and below is what he sent us – a cool anarch Assamite wall using five disciplines.
Deck Name: Esperando na janela (“Waiting in the window”)
Crypt (12 cards)
3x Fatima al-Faqadi 8 aus for CEL OBF QUI Assamite:2
4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
3x Tariq, The Silent 7 cel AUS FOR OBF QUI Assamite:2
1x Tariq, The Silent (ADV) 7 cel AUS FOR OBF QUI Assamite:2
1x Tegyrius, Vizier 9 pre AUS CEL FOR QUI Assamite:2
Library: 90 cards
Master (10 cards)
1x Giant’s Blood
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
1x Market Square
1x Rack, The
1x Tomb of Rameses III
1x Underworld Hunting Ground
2x Vessel
2x Villein
Action (4 cards)
2x Epiphany
2x Retain the Quick Blood
Equipment (6 cards)
3x Sniper Rifle
3x Starshell Grenade Launcher
Action Modifier/Combat (4 cards)
4x Draught of the Soul
Combat (36 cards)
4x Amaranth
1x Blur
5x Disguised Weapon
6x Diversion
5x Psyche!
3x Pursuit
4x Sanguine Entrapment
4x Selective Silence
4x Shadow Feint
Reaction (30 cards)
7x Black Sunrise
5x Eagle’s Sight
5x Eyes of Argus
6x Guardian Vigil
4x Quicken Sight
3x Telepathic Misdirection