This is a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle update on:
1. Errata for Ashur Tablets and Emerald Legionnaire
2. Multi deck change for the tournaments rules
3. Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce legality date
1. Errata announcements
Since August 2021, some cards have been under scrutiny due to power or rule issues. Ashur Tablets and Emerald Legionnaire were among them. We had a few rounds of playtest over 2 years, interrupted by the Covid pandemic, during which multiple variations were tested on these as well as other cards. Based on this feedback, we decided to make the following changes:
Ashur Tablets
Errata: Only one Ashur Tablets may be played each turn.
Reason: This change has a greater impact on heavy MMPA deck as it doesn’t allow a player to play as many recursion cycles, which in turn limits the gain pool from other cards such as Liquidation, making decks including 50+ master cards and large pool gain less viable.
This card will be available for print-on-demand at Drivethrucards.com with a special discount.
This change has tournament legality 1st February 2024.
Emerald Legionnaire
Errata: You cannot use the Emerald Legionnaire’s ability during your unlock phase if you control as many or more copies of them as ready unique Harbinger of Skulls.
Reason: The intent is to suppress use outside of the clan, and to reduce the explosiveness of turns during which multiple Emerald Legionnaire return from the ash heap. This is closer to the designer’s intent.
This card will be available for print-on-demand at Drivethrucards.com with a special discount.
This change has tournament legality 1st February 2024.

Tournament rules change
The multi-deck system can now be used for any tournament except national championships, grand prix, and continental championships.
3.1.5 Multi-Deck System
Players are prohibited from making modifications to their decks between rounds unless the tournament uses the following multi-deck rules. The multi-deck system can be used at any tournament that is neither a national championship, a grand prix, or a continental championship. Organizers choosing to use this system must announce its use in advance of the tournament date. Players may choose to bring any number of tournament-legal decks to the tournament and/or extra cards to exchange with cards in their decks (also known as a sideboard in some games). Between rounds, players may freely switch decks (or cards in their decks).
This change has tournament legality 1st February 2024.

Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce Fifth Edition preconstructed decks
These have now been shipped. The main pallets to the UK still need to arrive but Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland and Spain should have received theirs so far.
These decks are covered in an eco paper covering with no outer cellophane as a test run. The new print run of Fifth Edition Vampire: The Eternal Struggle boxes shipped later in January will contain 5 decks without cellophane but still with an outer box covered in cellophane.
The new cards in the Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce decks have an official release date 2nd January 2024 and tournament legality 1st February 2024.
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