Welcome European Grand Prix sponsor Ultra Pro!

The V:EKN and Black Chantry Productions are proud to announce that game accessory manufacturers Ultra Pro are sponsoring the 2018-2019 Vampire European Grand Prix circuit. For all the events in the circuit, the company will provide for attendance prize of unique V:TES Playmat designed solely for the European Grand Prix circuit. So attending at least one of the five GP tournaments will give you one copy of the wickedly evil V:TES playmat featuring Evil Jensen.

The playmats, designed by our own Ginés Quiñonero Santiago with art by Chad Michael Ward, will be coming from printers in spring 2019, but participants of this weekend’s Italian Grand Prix in Bologna will get their playmats, even if some months after the actual event.

Like 2018, Ultra Pro will also support the 2019 European Championships, this time in Paris during August. And they will also be supporting larger European National Championships in 2019 based on 2018 attendance. Thank you Ultra Pro!

Ally with power

There are some vampires whose names are whispered through the ages. Among the eldest, most powerful of their clans, legendary for their cunning and physical prowess, masters of intrigue and warfare. Dare you ask these mighty methuselahs for favors? The cost is high, but the profit can be truly immense…

The Humble Bundle Exclusive VTES Set is a fixed assortment of 10 crypt cards for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle: two each of Lord Tremere, Mithras, Montano, The Capuchin and The Dracon. They were originally produced in PDF form by the player organization VEKN in 2015, but can now for the first time be purchased as physical cards. For now, you can only get them through this Humble RPG Book Bundle, so part of your money goes to charity!

This how you get the physical cards:

1. Buy this White Wolf Humble RPG Book Bundle at least at the $8 level – you chose how much of this money that goes to charity!

2. Go to Drivethrucards.com to get the items in the Humble Bundle, which include a PDF set of the cards.

3. When you download that PDF set, you get a link in the confirmation mail from Drivethrucards with an offer to buy the physical cards. Each set of 10 cards cost $2.99. You can buy more than one bundle if you want to, as well as other products.

Production update September 19th, 2018

Hi community

We are currently waiting for our initial order from Cartamundi to be released by the Belgian factory.

The order was slightly delayed due to their investigation around misprints we encountered which meant we missed our shipping window at the end of August.

This order contain Lost Kindred and Keepers of Tradition bundles 1 and 2. We have a range of distributors lined up in Europe, Asia and Australia and will be shipping to them as soon as we receive the product at head office in the UK.

Expected delivery is now around 28th September.

Once we receive that order we can begin with future orders (Heirs to the Blood bundles and something special) and get those out to the community.

Keep on bleeding,

Hugh Angseesing
CEO Black Chantry Productions
Nottingham, UK