New full art promo card: Hesha Ruhadze

Hi! Time for yet another promo card for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. This one was revealed in the Brazilian channel Garagem du Nerd TV: a full art variant of Hesha Ruhadze (Group 6) with that gorgeous art by Carmen Cornet!

The card will be awarded to participants of the upcoming 2023 Mineiro Championship in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Big thanks to the organisers, partners and all you lovely players that help keep the game undead in Brazil!

New full art promo card: Festivo dello Estinto
– New full art promo card: Theo Bell
– Archon Investigation in Spain!
– New alternate art promo card: Bum’s Rush

Copyright © 2024 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved. Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and Vampire: The Masquerade® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

Visit Black Chantry at UK Games Expo!

Hello! If you happen to be at UK Games Expo in Birmingham this weekend, don´t miss to visit our stand at 2-1050.

Black Chantry CEO Hugh Angseesing, designer Mike Nudd and other great people will demo Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, sell our products and answer ALL your questions.

We will share space with our lovely friends at Null Signal Games, current producers of Netrunner, another awesome Richard Garfield game.

Hope to see you!

Report your Fall of London storyline event!

Today is the official release day for The Fall of London, the new expansion for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. If you play an event with the official storyline rules, please report the results to us!

This event can be as long as you like; a single game, a full tournament-style event or maybe some kind of leauge – you chose!

Your event report should include:
1. The names and VEKN IDs of all players.
2. A short description of each deck (and clan) played by each player.
3. A list of the most prominent vampires used in the game.
4. A list of the most important locations, equipment and allies used in the game
5. A description of the most unusual or unexpected actions during the game – for example, table-swinging votes, minions being stolen, successful burning or diablerie of vampires, the use of unusual action cards or combat cards.
6. The victory point and table win scores of each player per game.

Eligible game results should be submitted to the set designer and storyline coordinator Mike Nudd at no later than December 15th 2022.

A winning vampire clan will be determined based on the total event results, and this clan may receive special treatment in future events or product releases.

Note that cards from The Fall of London is not legal for normal VEKN tournaments until November 15th – the storyline events are not normal VEKN tournaments!

Storyline: The Fall of London – rules and extra cards
The Fall of London – product page with previews

Black Chantry at Spiel 2022 – kind of!

VTES Essen 2022

Unfortunatelly, Black Chantry Productions cannot be present at the big Spiel 2022 game fair in Essen this weekend. BUT if you swing by the booth of our distributor Blackfire, they will have a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle promo card (Kuyen to be exact) in their demo bag. It´s in hall 2, booth number D102. They will be demoing Flesh and Blood, One Piece and other games. Limited numbers available, so don´t sleep on it!

Also, if you are at Essen and love VTES, don´t miss the annual Saturday tournament in nearby Bochum “We Only Come Out At Night”!